We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. - Walt Disney

As an intern I developed new appreciation for many things.  One thing I found new appreciation for was healthy energy snacks, at school you can't get fired for feeling tired during a class.  I also discovered a new appreciation for Google Chrome because much of my work was searching websites that were in other languages.  Google Chrome however translates the page for you instead of manually imputing the information into a translator.  Most of all, I have a new appreciation for assistants and office managers.  Their work is endless and they get little credit.  So thank you to all the assistants and office managers out their who are under appreciated.

How did your view of life beyond high school change or develop during your time as an intern?
During internship I learned that during life you need to keep moving forward.  Everyday you learn something new,  and what you learn needs to be used to your advantage.  For example, today I learned how to print from any computer at my work.  Everyday that I work at Acufocus I will now be able to print reports that I work on.  What I have also learned is that you need to take a step away from work when I can't focus any longer.  Taking a break from stressful situations and work can help you focus and help your health.   

What new questions has your internship inspired you to ask about our world? What has itWhat are you moved to go out and do or learn about on your own time?

How might internship influence the direction of your life?

How did interpersonal relationships and/or collaboration at work influence you
understanding of life outside of high school?

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